I really like to use Microsoft Office Word to write my posts and, of course, publish them directly to WordPress!
So, how to do that?
Easy! Just follow the steps below:
Open Microsoft Office Word
You will see a template called: “Blog Post”
Click on it.

Now click on “Create“
You can see that this template was provided by Microsoft Corporation.

Click on “Register Now”

Select your Blog host:
In my case, “WordPress“

Enter your Blog Post URL: https://[your_blog_url]/xmlrpc.php
Type your username and password
Click ok.

In case you are using multi-factor authentication, like me, you must create an application password and use it here as your password.

After creating your account, just write your post as you normally do and Publish!

Take a look that you can actually use the amazing proofing and spelling from Word…
“publishe” has been corrected!

You can also insert categories from your blog directly here before publishing!

I hope you like, because I really love to write my posts using my Microsoft Office Word!