Yes! Microsoft is releasing new features for Power BI every week!!!
So now, we will see how to install Power BI for Windows Phone.
Basically what you need is:
A Windows Phone
A Power BI account
How to Install Power BI for Windows Phone
You can download the app by clicking on the icon below or here:

If you accessing this link using your computer or mobile phone, because of the Windows Universal Apps, it’s the same app and link!
Below is the view using a computer with Windows 10

Now you can see the same link, but using a Windows Phone

You can also open the Windows Store
Search for “Power BI“
Select the 1st result

You will see the app description
Click on the button saying “FREE“

Wait for the app to be installed
Access your Apps page by scrolling to the left
The Power BI app will be on the top

Click on the Microsoft Power BI app to executed
Few screens of introduction will be presented to you
You can see it or skip it
You will also see 6 samples, feel free to explore them.

We will connect to an existing Power BI account
The dashboard we will see is based on Project Online data
Click on Sign In
Type your username and password
You will see a screen telling you that is all done
Click on Start Exploring

You are now connected to your existing Power BI account
You can access all your dashboards and enjoy all the BI capabilities directly in your mobile

You can even share your reports directly from your phone
Click on the Share Icon in the bottom of your screen

And below is the email I received
Really cool right?
